Luckily our lease is up in May, because we can't stand to live here anymore! The house that we are renting is in a very nice neighborhood, it's big, has a nice yard, from looking at it at first glance it looks nice, and it is only 20 years old. Well, when we first moved in we noticed that it still had the original carpet and our neighbor next door informed us that the old woman who owned the home had a dog that "did a number on the carpets" and boy does it show. There are stains everywhere even after having the carpet steamed cleaned numerous times. Then we noticed we had little termite friends in a wall in the kitchen and in a kitchen droor that Jake spot treated himself, but we know they are in the exterior walls because everytime it rains all of their poop is washed onto the windows and patio. Then the stove was rusted and leaking and "dangerous to use" and it took months before our landlord replaced it. Don't get me wrong this is a nice home and would continue to be if the previous owner and the current owner (our jerky landlord) would take care of it. Anyway, the list goes on and on but here is the latest that just tops it all off...
Last week I started smelling something rotten in our computer room/den. It was coming from around the vent and we figured there had to be something dead rotting up there. We figured it would decompose with time and hopefully sooner than later the smell would go away. Well this morning I woke up and came to use the computer and noticed little white and black things on the carpet below the vent and as I looked closer I realized they were maggots and they were everywhere. UUUGGGHHHH! It was absolutely disgusting. They were falling out of the vent, from the attic, from wherever this dead thing was. I got all of the things I could lift out of the room and vacuumed like a mad woman and they still kept showing up. So I called Jake and he called the landlord and once again he was kind of a jerk and from the sound of it rudely told Jake that it is not his problem it is ours. Double UUUGGGGHHHH! Well we needed this thing out of our house regardless so I made some phone calls and had exterminators come and low and behold they found a rotting rat covered in maggots. They said they could tell they were getting close because the smell became more and more pungent (tell me about it I could smell it for days!). Anyway they said unfortunately there are some maggots left over that they could not get which sucks but in a few days they will turn into flies and surprisingly I can't wait because I would rather have flies than maggots. What do you know a maggot just fell out of the vent!
I know you can't always prevent things like this from happening and it is no one's fault but I still HATE THIS HOUSE!
Garden Reflections
1 month ago