If you don't know already my house (my area in general) is surrounded by agricultural fields - everything from strawberry fields, mushroom fields, flower fields, citrus groves, to my favorite right now, pumpkin fields. When Mom was here during the beginning of August we noticed this pumpkin field with pumpkins that were already 5-10 lbs. So for the last month I have been keeping my eye on this field and just within the last week they cut all of the pumpkins off of their vines. What is so important and great about this particular pumpkin field?...well, as you can see in the pictures I don't think any pumpkin is less than 40-50 lbs. I am so excited because I learned that they do hay rides in that field every fall and you can go and pick your own pumpkin. I CAN'T WAIT, even Jake is excited! We are going to have the best carved pumpkins ever! I can only imagine that Ross is jealous.

Josh and I have looked high and low for a pumpkin patch around here, with no luck. Apparently they don't like our climate??? Have a great time picking out the perfect one!
I am jealous. In fact, I want to throw up. I don't think that pumpkins like our climate either. Maybe you can get me one and I can take it home after disneyland!
Oh Whit is going to be in hog heaven soon. She just loves Halloween. And carving pumpkins is one of her best things! Sweet fatty pumpkin face is just around the corner! :)
Well that kills my pumkin patch. Ross, anything will grow with enough water in your heat. Maybe not as big though. Wish I could find a tall skinny one in that patch. Those are my favorite.
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