About three weeks ago I noticed a little red bump on Clara Belle's stomach. Jake checked it out and we thought possibly bug bite, ingrown hair, allergy etc.. Well it never went away and in fact got bigger, so I called the Vet this week and made an appointment. We went in this morning and after testing it, they discovered it is a tumor but not a spreadable one... good news. So the poor girl is going under today to get it removed. Luckily she doesn't have to wear a cone for the next week or two, but she does get to wear one of Jake's old t-shirts so the stitches won't get infected. Luckily we just got a nice tax return!! The doctor said she will be just fine, but will be sending the removed tumor in for a biopsy to make sure that is what it is. Poor Clara Belle! 

what a fitting sad faced picture. :( hope it isnt anything to worry about!
Poor girl, I am glad it won't spread.
oh man, keep us posted. glad you got a tax refund AND a job now!
if she is feeling too sad murphy said he'll share some of the gum he keeps stepping in.
Just look at that face...poor baby!
Give her our best.
She is so cute :(
Poor little baby, I love that picture, its so cute
poor girl we miss you
the Donovans
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